Hey, I'm Priyank

I'm a 13x cloud certified DevOps engineer, automating the boring stuff, working on innovative projects and writing on technology.

Latest BlogsView all

Get AWS Certified - Exam Voucher Discount Offers on AWS Certification!

New Relic - Full Stack Observability Practitioner

Continuous Everything - Almost everything in DevOps is Continuous

5 VSCode Tips & Tricks You Should Know!

Top 5 AWS Services You Should Know!

Most PopularView all

Joining Univeris Corp.

How to Search Google Like a Pro? 😎

CertificationView all

New Relic - Full Stack Observability Practitioner

Being AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Being AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate

Gremlin Certified Chaos Engineering Practitioner (GCCEP)

Udacity AWS Cloud Architect Nanodegree

ProjectsView all

Awesome Bookmarklets

A curated collection of Awesome bookmarklets.

Udacity Project 1 - AWS CloudFormation

Design High Availability, Resilience and Reliability Architecture on AWS

Udacity Project 2 - AWS Architecture

AWS Architecture for 50,000 single-region users

Udacity Project 3 - AWS CloudFormation

Deploy High Availability Web App using CloudFormation

Udacity Project 4 - Jenkins CI/CD

Design and create production-grade Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline on AWS

Talks & Workshops Taken

IT Security LectureIT Security Lecture

Product Demonstration - UnimoteProduct Demonstration - Unimote



Honors and Awards

Lambton College - Graduation Award: Dean's Honour ListLambton College - Graduation Award: Dean's Honour List

Teacher Ki Annkho Ka Taara Award - High SchoolTeacher Ki Annkho Ka Taara Award - High School


TestimonialsView all

Priyank or should I say automation man. He finds making work automated a virtue and even implement it himself. Having sound knowledge of OS environment, he also has a good view of technology.

Yash Parihar

I've worked with priyank for a year and have great experience working with him. He is curious and passionate about his work and tries to automate everything, he is really hard working and dedicated too.

Karan Ponda

Priyank (aka man of automation). I've worked with Priyank for over a year now. One line to summarize him: He's a Pro DevOp. Even in the worst situation, he never lost his spirits and has shown results. His unique ability to work creatively and smartly keeps him at the edge of his competition. It's been a pleasure working with him.

Hardik Savaliya

Priyank did an exceptional job on recent projects. As I remember, Priyank was a very productive person and is a multi-skilled person with vast knowledge. He is customer-service oriented, careful, self motivated and intelligent team player. Thanks to interpersonal skills, he has great relations with both company clients and potential customers.

Heeren Darji