Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree

After 5+ Projects, 200+ Lessons, 16h/weekend & around 220+ hours of intense learning with some struggle, I'm thrilled to announce that I've successfully graduated from Udacity's "Cloud DevOps Engineer" Nanodegree!

The four months course helped me design CloudFormation as IAAC to deploy Kubernetes Cluster via Jenkins Pipeline, build & monitor CI/CD pipelines for different deployment strategies and create scalable microservices using K8s.

Projects I did:

  1. Deploy Static Website on AWS
  2. Deploy High Availability Web App using CloudFormation
  3. Jenkins Pipeline on AWS
  4. Operationalize a Machine Learning Microservice API
  5. Using CloudFormation to deploy K8s Cluster via Jenkins - Capstone Project.

💡 Tools and Skills I learned:

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins
  • CircleCI
  • Ansible
  • Computer Networking

⌛ Estimated Time: 4 months (10 hours/week)

🔖 Prerequisites

You should also have some familiarity with:

  • Web Development (HTML, CSS)
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Linux Command Line Basics

Program Home: Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree

🎖️ Certificate of Graduation

Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Certificate of Graduation

Keep exploring, stay hungry and keep learning! 😊
- Priyank Vaghela